Getting back to the blog

We have all experienced quite a disruption to our lives since March 2020 due to the pandemic. One of them is the Work From Home (WFH) paradigm that so many of us have been practicing since the first lock down. This year, i.e. 2021, I will try to utilise some of the time saved due to WFH, to get back to blogging and perhaps give a new look to my website. May we all stay safe and healthy.

Participating in the ARMOR project

I participated yesterday in a study which was part of a Dutch national project called ARMOR; its goal is to develop a personalized system for training soldiers and helping them avoid injuries while training. As the first step, participants are hooked up with two sensors namely an accelerometer and a pressure sensor integrated in their boots. Then the participants are asked to walk for 30 meters while carrying different weights. This research is being conducted by Sofia Silveira, a master’s student of biomedical engineering who is doing her ERASMUS+ training program at UTwente.

Pebble app

I’m recently using the app for pebble time. Basically what the app does is that it logs the laps that you swim and also keeps track of the time. You can get an overview of your workouts either on the ios/android app or through the website. The watch app seems to work fine, however, I’ve noticed that it doesn’t log correctly if I use a certain lane in the swimming pool. Either there is something wrong with the app or the length of the swimming lane is shorter! Need to do research on it…